Dafydd Gibbon
Trip around the sun
Dafydd Gibbon
Trip around the sun
Autumn is the time of little miracles and marvellous presents. Nature presents us with the gift of beautiful colours and misty mornings. These moments are fragile and their number is limited. Nevertheless, they are a just the starting point for a wonderful journey through different seasons and different countries. It seems as if all this grace and beauty has been caught by one special poet. And Dafydd Gibbon is not holding this present back, he entrusts the gift of pure beauty to all of us. This selection of haikus is free in nearly every regard. It has the freedom of wonderful poetry, of gorgeous pictures and is free of any kind of restraint. This book is the creation of one person and Dafydd is so very kind to give this special piece of beauty for free. Feel free to accompany him on this delightful trip around the sun.
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